

Vol 7, No 26 (2013): Changes to the Education System of England and Wales in the last 70 years Part 5: The 60s and the 80s

This paper is the fifth in a series and is concerned with the substantial progress made by comprehensive education between 1962 and 1983 to become the dominant mode of secondary education in England and Wales.

2013: About The Editor

Biography about the Editor-in-Chief of JAMMO

Vol 7, No 25 (2013): Interview on Resonance of Syncretic Kabbalah Today

Prof. Dr. Paul Silva, Editor-in-Chief, JAMMO,Talks to Adjunct Prof. Olen D. Rush, on Resonance of Syncretic Kabbalah Today. Kabbalah is regarded controversially by different religious groups; some even hold the view that it is evil and that it was originally taught to mankind by the “Watchers” or “fallen angels” which they claimed led to the “destruction of the Jews”, a pivotal reason they gave for the exiling of the Jews to Babylon. In this interview, Prof. Dr. Paul Silva discusses these issues and many more with Dr. Olen D. Rush.

Vol 7, No 24 (2013): Changes to the Education System of England and Wales in the last 70 years: Part 4: 1970-1979

Professor David Rogerson, in this article, focuses on the influence of the local government reorganisation in the West Riding, Yorkshire evaluating in part, how the serious economic conditions may have moved both the Conservative and the Labour Parties to the right. He traces the 1970s development of the education service, interweaving his personal leadership experience with that of other stakeholders and government officials in his critique of the climate for the development of schools in view of the professional concerns and pressures at the time and the influence parents had in the state system.

Vol 6, No 23 (2013): Frustration in Cinema: Ideological Presentation of Dreams

Dr. Çelik analyses the film Sonbahar to discuss auteur cinema’s use of conceptual frustration for transformative effect in which film audiences are pertinent to the creative process.

Vol 6, No 22 (2013): Interview on The Politics of, for and Against Islam

Prof. Dr. Paul Silva, Editor-in-Chief, JAMMO, Talks to Prof. Dr. Sahib Mustaqim Bleher, on The Politics of, for and Against Islam.Professor Paul Silva explores with Professor Sahib Mustaqim Bleher, historically contentious issues in the relationship between the principles and practice of Islam on the one hand and the political history of Islam in view of its paradoxical reality today. Namely, that although Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in modern times, its political influence remains limited at state level in the Middle and Far East and Africa as well as at the international level whilst it is viewed radically as a threat to world stability by the West in contradistinction to its dictum of Peace.

Vol 6, No 21 (2013): Changes to the Education System of England and Wales in the last 70 years Part 3: The 1960s and the 1970s

Professor Rogerson examines particular changes in the 1960s and the early 1970s in the pattern of secondary education in England and Wales with an emphasis on the immediate effects on institutions in the West Riding County Council in which he served. He details nationally the effects of Circular 10/65 and the arguments used by the Labour Party to justify its implementation as well as the growing backlash against comprehensive reorganisation within the Conservative Party.

Vol 6, No 20 (2013): Review of the Relationship between Superstitions, Metaphors, and Advertising

Prof. Rafael Hernandez Barros of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain reviews the article of Sibel Akova of Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey: The Relationship between Superstitions, Metaphors, and Advertising published in JAMMO, Vol 3, Part 9, pages 138-156


Vol 5, No 18 (2012): A Typographic Analysis of Turkish Newspapers' Websites

Prof. Dr. Hasip Pektaş acknowledges that typography is in some respect the most important element in an online newspaper's graphic design as it is the art of situating typefaces on a two-dimensional surface. Typography thus ensures that writing pushes the limits of logic, keeps attention alive, caresses human spirit, infuriates, and excites. Therefore, the typography of an online newspaper should be “simple, effective and deep”.

Vol 5, No 17 (2012): Change in the Education System in England and Wales since the Second World War Part 2:The Developing Pattern

Professor Rogerson's reflective evaluation of the 1950s and 1960s’ difficulty for both politicians and officers on how reorganisation was to be achieved rigorously demonstrates that what was negotiated with the education act was the relationship between central and local government and between local government and localities.

Vol 4, No 16 (2012): Change in the Education System in England and Wales in the last 70 years (Part 1: 1944 – 1949)

Professor Rogerson, an education leader in the Yorkshire region, having being actively involved in the implementation vis-à-vis the development of regional education policies within the various national education models and paradigms of England and Wales in the last 50 years analyses the 1944 Education Act seen as pivotal in defining the relationship between the centre and the regions after the 2nd World War. He argues with breadth and depth that “subsequent developments have been in accord with the Act or have been enabled by the add-on legislation of succeeding governments because the educational themes, which developed later, have their origin in the intentions; the spirit, the mandatory or permissive mix of the 1944 Act; and in reactions to it.”

Vol 4, No 15 (2012): Mysticism in Subliminal Advertising

Based on inter-disciplinary approaches, Asst. Prof. Dr. Yalçın Kırdar explores the different methods and techniques of subliminal advertising and its pervasive use of the word "sex" and sexual images, even in advertisements targeting children and in cartoons. This is worrisome, to say the least!

Vol 4, No 14 (2012): International Film Festivals: A Cinema Struggling to Exist Between New Resources and New ‘Dependencies’

Asst. Prof. Dr. Tülay Çelik provides a balanced and well-reasoned criticism of the new director-cinema in Turkey against the background of globalised marketing through the International Film Festivals and networks of distribution outlets. Dr. Çelik argues for the preservation of the art in the films and the individual dynamism of the director-producer phenomenon. She cautions against festival directors, distribution managers and the international co-producers determining the production process exclusively and from reducing the ethos of the new film dynamism to sheer consumption.


Vol 3, No 12 (2011): Excavations at the Mound of Van Fortress/ Tuspa

Asst. Prof. Dr. Erkan Konyar of the Department of Ancient History, Istanbul University provides the results from one of his archaeological excavations in Van. The work at the Mound of Van Fortress is supported by the Scientific Research Projects Unit of Istanbul University

(Project nos. 14225 and 13003), Ministry of Culture General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums-DÖSİMM and Aygaz. We would like to thank all the organizations, which contributed to the excavation.

Vol 2, No 8 (2011): Survey of Mysticism in History

Ahsen Yalin explores the unknowns of nature in view of science, mystical factors and philosophy. She contends that mysticism is a good product for marketing to trade in its secrets and promises; she cautions all to be vigilant and ensure the rules of ethics are always maintained in the collaboration between mysticism and marketing.

Vol 2, No 7 (2011): Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Mysticism

Ayberk examines mysticism closely from psychological and sociological perspectives combining Middle Eastern and Western framework from Güleç; Tarhan; Doğan to Maslow; Stace and Jung to name a few. His approach is thorough and honest.

Vol 2, No 6 (2011): Lord Krishna Recognized by Scholars Long Time Ago

The article redefines myth away from falsehood, advances literary, archaeological evidence, valid technological proofs and offers insights into spiritual realities to re-present Lord Krishna as an historical personage making it unnecessary to over argue this reality by consigning erstwhile widely-held oriental outdated myth postulation of the West, which incidentally had also influenced some Eastern indologists to arbitrariness, political motivation and missionary disposition. Professor Horacio Francisco Arganis-Juárez provides a detailed deconstruction of Benjamin Preciado Solis’ the First Historical Evidences of Krishna.

Vol 2, No 5 (2011): Spiritual Talks

Drawing on psychology, theology, sociology and especially the practice of marketing, Saba G. Oral analyzes New Age trends in the media focusing on “Tibet”, a TV commercial; to provide means to understanding the consequential significance of language and words.

Vol 1, No 4 (2011): Marketing Astrology: The Magic Touch

In Hilal Kiliç’s article, the readers are faced with the commercial forces of astrology tending to a future sold as a given and with the contemplation of mystical experiences outgrowing religion almost as a necessity in the twenty-first century to replace the fracturing of community and family life of the twentieth century.

Vol 1, No 3 (2011): Mysticism Meets Life Styles: Elizabeth Gilbert

Dilge Kodak frames the twenty-first century within the unique currents of postmodernism embracing individualized attitude to consumerism.

26 - 50 of 66 Items     << < 1 2 3 > >> 

ISSN: 2146-3328