

Vol 14, No 51 (2024): The Challenges of Neurotechnological Innovations and Algorithmic Culture

This paper aims to evaluate recent neurotechnological innovations and Algorithmic Culture from the philosophical and socio-cultural perspectives of technology. As innovations in neurotechnology and generative artificial intelligence begin to shape institutions and working conditions through new paradigms such as algorithmic governmentality, theoretical arguments are needed to characterize these chaotic situations adequately. Existing descriptions of society ...

Vol 14, No 50 (2024): 'You Can't Get Lost in Cape Town' by Zoë Wicomb: Decoding Democratic Discourse: Examining Authority and Gender...

This essay explores the complex literary analysis of Zoë Wicomb's widely read book "You Can't Get Lost in Cape Town,” paying particular attention to how the story undermines authority and gender norms. Employing a qualitative approach founded in literary criticism, the study dives into the intricate layers of Wicomb's work, giving light on the character dynamics, socio-political circumstances, and power structures woven into the fabric of the tale.

Vol 14, No 49 (2024): Book Review: Investigating Religious Education and Crime in Turkish Prisons

The book, On the Axis of Religious Education: Individual Crime and Society (2018) navigates the intricate relationship between religious education, individual behaviour, and societal reintegration within the context of Turkish prisons. By addressing ten pivotal questions, as part of its remit, the book scrutinizes various facets, including the personal attributes of convicted offenders, their religious affiliations before and after committing crimes, the prevalence of religious educational programs, post-incarceration changes in religious beliefs, perception of criminal acts as sins, demand for religious instruction during imprisonment, the influence of religious education on attitudes, long-term ramifications of religious learning, qualifications of religious educators, and attributes of religious education initiatives.

Vol 14, No 48 (2024): Unravelling Cosmic Mysteries A Review of Santos Bonacci's Astro-Theological Discourse: “Know Thyself: The Oracle of Delp

This review explores Santos Bonacci's investigation of astro-theology, investigating its connection with celestial phenomena, theology, and philosophy (Bonacci, Syncretism & Astro theology). It analyses pivotal themes including celestial alignments, astrological symbolism, the concept of ages, the role of love, the Great Year cycle, and the ancient understanding of precession. Through a multidisciplinary approach, Bonacci sheds light on the interplay between cosmic cycles and human existence, providing a profound perspective on the universe and our position within it.


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Vol 13, No 47 (2022): Patriarchy and Women - A Focus on Development and Progress in Southern India

Puja Mondal: Active Participation of Rural Women in Panchayat Raj System

Vol 13, No 46 (2022): End times Syncretism: The Abrahamic Faiths - Commonalities and Divergence - an Islamic Perspective

Much has been made about the Abrahamic Faiths monotheism, yet Christianity’s concept of G-d is almost alien to that of Islam, and although Judaism shares the belief that God has no son as does Islam, nonetheless it has a unique perception about who the messiah is and what constitutes the messianic lineages and message quite differently from the dominant positions of orthodox Christianity or Islam.

To explore the eschatology of the Abrahamic faiths in respect of end times, these series of interviews will endeavour to establish core paradigms relating to the Divine and G-dhood, Mankind as created being, Heavens as After-life Worlds and Before-Earthly Life Worlds, Hell as a real domain or as a state of existence, Salvation and Redemption from what into what? Judgement, and the End-time.

Vol 12, No 45 (2022): Kemetic Beliefs Different from the Abrahamic Faiths - An Introduction

Prof. Dr. Paul Ade Silva & PTR LM Dumizulu discuss polytheism or henotheism as the basis of all religious ideologies from the Kemetic-Afrikan civilisation till today.


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Prof. Dr. Sahib Mustaqim Bleher

From the start of the year, the “new coronavirus”, subsequently named Covid-19, dominated not only the media but also the lives of people across the globe. What began as the announcement of a medical emergency and likely pandemic, emanating from Wuhan in China, soon took on greater dimensions. The media incessantly talked about nothing else and became obsessed with death figures; all other news disappeared, neither war nor terrorism seemed to exist anymore in the Covid world.

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Vol 11, No 40 (2020): Prof. Dr. Paul Ade Silva, Editor of JAMMO, Interviews Khalil Charles, Deputy Editor News TRT World & Editor Middle East

Has the News Media been a force for good in the world, or is it just a manipulative institution serving the interest of the “great powers” in view of the concentration of media ownership in few hands?

I am not sure the media per se has been a force for good. Sadly, it has been used as part of the system which perpetuates and exacerbates differences rather than the similarities that we have as human beings.

The over concentration with disaster and death still sadden me. When all is said and done, the media and particularly the news industry is about reflecting the values of your employer.

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Economic nationalism and protectionism are now one of the most important policy determinants… Trump’s “America First” policy openly includes economic nationalism and protectionism. Brexit can also be analysed from this perspective… We can also talk about the rise of economic nationalism in the EU. We can talk about US-China trade war… The domino effect is also possible. On the other hand, there is also an attempt to protect the existing global rules, globalization, free trade, WTO… We can’t be sure about the near and far future effects of Covid-19 pandemic on national and global economies…

My granny passed away when I was 23. It was a huge emptiness… It took me sometime to adapt to the world without her… It was so difficult for me to accept the fact that I would not have anyone anymore to call my “maternal grandmother”. 

They never told us to study, but showed us how to like studying… Our parents never let us just be hardworking students, they helped us enlarge our perspectives and to be good human beings with outstanding IQs and Emotional Quotients (EQs)...


Vol 10, No 38 (2019): Butterfly Effect Kadri Özayten: The Curator between The Artist and The Professor

Kadri Özayten counts among the early representative of a contemporary art practice that goes beyond traditional understanding of painting and sculpture. At the same time, he became an important figure at the university through his intellectual and conceptional approaches to art. Also, his combination of social-political criticism with minimal and conceptual approaches gave him an outstanding position in the art scene of the 1990s in Turkey. As person, artist and teacher, he was beloved and highly respected.

Vol 10, No 37 (2019): Conceiving The New in Agnieszka Cieslinska’s FIGURATIO

The title FIGURATIO of Agnieszka Cieslinska’s 2014 exhibition at the Galeri Işık of the Işık University, Istanbul curated by Prof. Dr. Hasip PEKTAŞ, seems the most appropriate to describe her work as it crystallises her focus on the human figure and its transformations. Undoubtedly, the exhibition was the result of a consistent involvement; not only in the figurative art, but also in the thoughtful observation of the human figure and its metamorphosis. It is informed by Cieslinska’s belief that the human diversity, characteristics and features are fascinating basis for observation and for wandering in the areas of illusory memory full of evocations and references; where the boundaries between illusion and reality get blurred.


Büyük veri (big data), yirmi birinci yüzyılın en önemli fenomenlerinden biridir. Büyük verinin ortaya çıkışı, eğitimden siyasete, sağlıktan pazarlamaya kadar yaşamın her alanını dönüştürmektedir. Endüstri 4.0 devrimi ile birlikte verinin hızı, çeşitliliği ve hacmi de giderek artmaktadır. “İnsan merkezli” bir dünyadan “veri merkezli” bir dünyaya geçiş, devasa boyutlardaki verinin nasıl yönetileceği sorununu gündeme getirmekte ve işletmelerin karar alma süreçlerini etkilemektedir. Büyük veriyi doğru yöntemlerle analiz eden markalar bulundukları sektörde lider konumuna yükselmektedir. Netflix, bunun en çarpıcı örneklerinden biridir. 1997 yılında bir DVD pazarlama şirketi olarak ticari hayatına başlayan Netflix, 2007 yılından itibaren müşterilerinin film izleme deneyimini internet ortamına taşımıştır. Netflix, büyük veriyi verimli bir biçimde kullanarak kısa bir sürede dünyanın sayılı görsel içerik dağıtıcısı ve film yapımcılarından biri hâline gelmiştir. DVD kiralama ve satış pazarının devi Blockbuster’ı piyasadan silmiş; HBO ve Disney’in en güçlü rakibi olmuştur. İzleyicilerin yalnızca kimlik bilgilerini değil, duygu ve deneyimlerini de veriye dönüştüren Netflix, nicelleştirme önyargısını aşarak etkili tavsiye algoritmaları geliştirmektedir. Bu sayede üyelerine cazip gelecek film önerileri sunarak müşteri memnuniyetini en üst düzeye taşımaktadır. Netflix, dijitalleşmeyle uyumlu iş modeli, programatik pazarlama stratejisi ve yarattığı kişiselleştirilmiş içerikle izleyicinin nabzını tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Netflix örnek olayı aracılığıyla büyük veriyi ancak içgörüyle analiz edebilen şirketlerin ayakta kalabileceğini göstermektir.

Vol 10, No 35 (2019): Close-up in Cinema, in Line with the Time-Image Concept of Deleuze: An Analysis Focusing on the Film Sivas

From the beginning of the 19th century onward, as the nature of representation began to be questioned, image took on a structure which does not reflect but hides reality. It also became an ambiguous and hazy area to grasp while acquiring new meanings and forms, as the viewer began to create his or her own visual experience (Crary 2010: 40-162). In this period when the reality of the world was no longer needed and the relativity of time was beginning to be debated, the realm of emotional perception and sensations became visible in the field of art. In modern painting and literature, with the choice of viewpoint, the objects intertwined and converged. This new perspective towards the objects was also discovered in cinema through close-ups (Bonitzer: 145-187). Fernand Léger's Ballet mécanique (1924) is an experimental film in which objects acquiring new meanings via many close-up views turn into abstract compositions. The film suggests a new form of visual perception through the rhythm of images.


Vol 9, No 33 (2015): Islam and Life - Islamic Art Inspiring Western Art, Artists Part 2

The second part of the “Islam and Life - Islamic Art Inspiring Western Art, Artists” an interview between two Islamic scholars published as audio visuals by the Press TV, warrants transcription here and re-focussing with respect to the continuing debate on the relationship between Islam’s monotheistic credence and its pluralistic settings because the interview’s position on the particularities of the Western Muslims makes the distinctive point that Islam is not an Eastern or “Middle Eastern” religion, but a universal one that absorbs the characteristics of whichever locale its adherents flourish in.

As a counter-weight to the overt demonization of Islam by the Western media hegemony’s futile attempt at redefining and subsuming the Islamic way of life negatively within the narrative of terror, radicalisation and a global cultural clash of civilisations; the interview presents a positive appraisal of the contributions Islam is making to Western culture and civilisation. Professor Ramadan of the Oxford University and Professor Bleher do not indulge the Western corporate media extremist reportage in which Islam is presented in tandem with every major conflict the West is involved with, in any way whatsoever. ( Rather, the interview engages serious and uncomfortable issues such as the multiple and sometimes fragmented identities of Muslims in the West and the role of Islam in the lives of Muslims and non-Muslims.

I have insisted on providing further bibliographies for both the interviewer and the interviewee to avail readers the opportunity to evaluate the depth of the discussion and discussants beyond the confines of the broadcast interview and this edited transcript.

I am in gratitude to both scholars and to the Press TV for undertaking the Islam and Life series to promote Peace and Understanding and for making the interview available for public use.

Vol 9, No 32 (2015): Islam and Life - Islamic Art Inspiring Western Art, Artists Part 1

Islamic Art is both a sacred and mundane art form and brings to the fore the redressing of the balance of identity for Western Muslims in which their faith, duties and worship serve as vehicles of elevation to understanding that God is beauty. The paper refreshes promoting our commonality and uniqueness. It strikes the right tone in its balanced approach challenging and undermining “the negative associations with Islam prevalent in the [corporate] media”.


Vol 8, No 30 (2014): The Classic Literature of India-Antiquity of the Srîmad-Bhâgavatam-or Bhâgavata-Purâna

Master of Arts Thesis Summary Part 1: (Instituto Bhaktivedanta de Ciencias y Humanidades) The Classic Literature of India-Antiquity of the Srîmad-Bhâgavatam-or Bhâgavata-Purâna

Dr Arganis-Juárez in this part-summary encapsulates the competing paradigms put forward by Indologists and experts of all shades and scholarly work in trying to authentically establish how ancient the Srîmad-Bhâgavatam is. His evaluation provides a sound base from which one can accept that the Srîmad-Bhâgavatam and its concept of the four ages comes from a time previous to the Ice Age, when it is believed that man migrated from Asia to the Americas.

Editorial note: 

The publication of the Thesis Summary in two parts is in accordance with the author’s wish and is different to other versions published elsewhere in the matter of style, peer review and textual reliability. For example, on our page 13, it reads: “This means there is no hard evidence to prove that the Greeks had such an influence on Indian culture.” In the others, you will read “[…] there is no hard evidence to prove that the Greeks had such an influence on Greek culture.”

Vol 8, No 29 (2014): Interview: Arts “on Facebook”

Dr. Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu has been drawing caricatures since 1977 with extensive worldwide coverage and has won twenty-seven international prizes and forty-four national awards. Dr. Ekşioğlu received the Sedat Simavi Plastic Arts award in 1997 and his work had been published as the cover for The New Yorker Magazine and the Forbes. Two of his arts printed on the UNICEF postcards are being sold worldwide and he has had a special success with his caricature published in the New Yorker cover for Sept. 11, 2011 anniversary edition.


1977 yılından beri karikatür çalışmaları yapan Dr. Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu 27 adet uluslararası ve 44 adet ulusal ödül kazandı. 1997 Sedat Simavi Plastik Sanatlar Ödülü’nün sahibi olan Dr. Ekşioğlu’nun çalışmaları, The New Yorker ve Forbes dergilerinin kapak tasarımı olarak yayınlandı. UNICEF, iki adet çalışmasını kartpostal olarak yayınladı ve tüm dünyada satışa sundu. 11 Eylül 2011 yıldönümü baskısında The New Yorker kapağında yayınlanan karikatürü ile özel bir başarı kazandı.


Vol 8, No 28 (2014): Ex-libris in Turkey

The article explores the introduction of Ex-libris Art to Turkey, tracing its historical antecedent from Europe and from books about the Ottoman era to its current enthusiasts local to museums, schools and universities in Turkey and in Northern Cyprus. .....


Makale, Ekslibris Sanatı’nın Türkiye'ye girişini, exlibrisin tarihsel Avrupa'lı öncülerinden ve Osmanlı dönemi hakkındaki kitaplardan günümüz meraklılarına, Türkiye'deki ve Kuzey Kıbrıs'taki müzeler, okullar ve üniversitelere kadar izlemekte ve araştırmaktadır. ...........

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ISSN: 2146-3328