A Typographic Analysis of Turkish Newspapers' Websites

Hasip Pektas


Any newspaper's graphic design is of great importance in attracting the attention of the reader and facilitating easy reading. It is important for the layout in an online newspaper graphic design not only to have integrity but also to be easy-to-use. For an online newspaper to be user-friendly is only possible if the reader can find and read what s/he looks for easily and comfortably. Typography is in this respect, the most important element in the online newspaper's graphic design as it is the art of situating typefaces on a two-dimensional surface. Typography thus ensures that writing pushes the limits of logic, keeps attention alive, caresses human spirit, infuriates, and excites. Therefore, the typography of an online newspaper should be “simple, effective and deep”.

The typography uses on the websites of some national newspapers in Turkey are examined in the research through comparative analysis emphasizing the importance of typography in online (cyber) journalism.

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