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Prof. Dr. Paul Ade Silva, Editor of JAMMO, Interviews Khalil Charles, Deputy Editor News TRT World & Editor Middle East Monitor

Prof. Dr. Paul Ade Silva, Khalil Charles


The Sudanese question demands an evaluation of the process of its normalisation with Israel and in assessing the pros and cons of establishing relations with Israel, it is fair to say that much of the world’s negative stance towards Sudan, particularly the Europeans, has been because of its refusal to open diplomatic channels with the Zionist state. Therefore, the lack of investment and harsh economic sanctions and the continuing Civil War which has decimated the country’s economy was to some respects due to Sudan’s support of the Palestinians and its opposition to Israel. The new transitional government see contact with Israel to demonstrate pragmatic politics and to ease the international pressure on the country to allow it to become part of the international community once again.

[…] Therefore, what is News, and news values, is driven by the standards traditionally set which in the main can be discriminatory and prejudicial. So, the opinion leaders are there for those who continually meet the requirements of the establishment or who decide to take part in the status quo. 

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